Sunday, July 04, 2004

Family ties...

In just a few hours, my sister Laurie and her new husband Yoshi will be here for a visit!! They landed safely in Montreal last night and stayed with friends, but will head down once they’ve had brunch with some school chums this morning. I know that my girls are excited to meet “Uncle Yoshi” and see Aunty Laurie again... but I have a hunch that MY excitement level is greater.

I have been SO lucky to have a wonderful brother and sister that I truly like as friends and not just because they are my siblings. The hardest part is that we have all settled in different parts of the world, not just far corners of the same country, so I don’t get to see them in person as often as I would like.

The highlight of this summer for me is definitely going to be spending time with each one of them in person and to stock up on hugs so that the physical touch part will last through the phone calls and e-mails until the next time I can see them in person!

Oooooooh! I just can’t wait!!!

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