Well... Bethany and I are finally on the mend after spending the first week of 2007 with one of the most horrible sinus infections I’ve ever seen. We’d been fighting the same cold that put Erin on antibiotics before we went to Mom’s, but by New Year’s Day, I felt horrible. The sinus infection produced a horrible tickly cough that just left us both gasping and wheezing. We tried to tough it out so that we could get home to New Brunswick and our own medical system, but that just gave the infection more time to flourish. By the drive home, Nick made a stop at a Super Walmart to get me some cough syrup so that he didn’t have to smother me at night or leave me in a snow bank somewhere. As soon as we passed through Fredericton on the way home, I called our clinic and told them we would be back in the city by 2 pm, January 4th. Bethany and I got our appointments for 2:15! Of course the clinic was very backed up with other wheezers, hackers etc. so it was about 45 minutes before we found out we were both going on the same antibiotic as Erin had just finished... but yesterday was the first day I really began to feel human again instead of some tall Darth Vader sounding dragon!
I’d been looking forward to shooing them all out the door back to school and maybe crawling back into bed... but it turned out to be the first Snow Day of the school year because of the transition from snow to rain, so we ALL went back to bed and slept in.
So life is getting back to normal now and my computer is working and connected to the real world. The technician was VERY thorough and we now have wireless for Nick’s laptop as well...FREE because of the teacher’s laptop program!
I’m still going to crawl into bed early for one last night because after leading 2 Weight Watchers meetings today, the voice is a bit croaky again, but I wanted to share the photos that I took on the last snowy day when my eMac was off-line.

This is really what New Brunswick SHOULD look like this time of year. Right now, there is less than an inch of snow on the ground that a heavy rain and then freeze has turned to hard, crusty brown and white ooze.
Doesn’t this tree look like a strange hunched dragon shape emerging from the woods? Or do I just have too vivid an imagination??

May 2007 be a path of adventure and wonder for us to walk down...