36 years ago, I woke up on the morning of April Fool’s Day to find my Nanny there instead of my Mom and Dad who had gone out to a Montreal Canadians vs. Boston Bruins game the night before. When she told me that I was a big sister again and that I had a new baby brother... I replied “Is that an April Fools funny?” . I was 5 and a half.
We called David before we left for church to sing Happy Birthday to him half a world away in Switzerland. It is hard to have him far enough away that hugs are treasured things and photos or phone calls reveal each time how fast my niece and nephew are growing up. I plan to stock up on lots of hugs at the end of April when we see him in Montreal at our family gathering to honour Grampy.
My little brother grew much taller than me and got harder to pick on. Looking at the man that he has become and the father he is to his own children, I can still see the pesky little brother who ruined one of my Barbies by trying to sit it astride a stuffed pig. Both the memories of the boy and the reality of the man blend into one incredible, unique package that I am prouder of than he will ever know. Happy Birthday Dave!
In his honour, and to add to a silly little dragonlet that I put up on our website quite a few years ago, there is a new April Fool’s Dragonlet to enjoy. I spent most of Saturday in pain and a few hours in the Emergency department on Saturday night, so I am a little behind with the website updates, but those who read my blog can pass the link on or e-mail the chart itself to friends. The pain baffled the doctors, but at least they were able to determine that it wasn’t anything critical and after some blood tests and a few shots, I was able to sleep in my own bed. Today, I feel like myself again so I am baffled too. Was it another sneaky April Fool’s joke? I hope this is one April Fool’s surprise that stitchers enjoy!