Today was my 43rd birthday and it was WONDERFUL!

Slowly, but surely, my life feels as if it is moving into a sense of order and purpose instead of one of regret and denial. Birthdays, new school years or new calendar years are like new beginnings. It is like a new box of crayons where every point is sharp and none of your favourite colours have snapped in half yet.
Yesterday, at the end of my Weight Watcher meeting, the delivery man from our favourite local Flower Shop walked into the centre with a big grin on his face and an armful of flowers from my wonderful husband. It was a birthday gift a day early in front of an audience... the man knows how to earn those brownie points!!! After walking home feeling like Miss Canada clutching my bouquet and waving at those who honked their horns, I put the lovely flowers down on the counter for a moment to snap their picture before arranging them in a vase. Here they are with the cut flowers from my garden.

This morning, after getting everyone off to school, I went exploring along with my Mom and John. We drove off in search of a new wool shop that the knitters I know had been RAVING about. London-Wul Fibre Arts is the home of Heidi Wulfraat. Walking into her wool shop was a bit like dying and going to heaven. Everywhere I looked, there were colours, textures, needles, accessories to taunt me, beg me to touch them and bring them home.
Did I mention that I finished the sock?? As I start the mate, I am already dreaming of the next pair to knit and so I just HAD to go look at wool..... right? Yarn Harlot would approve...

There is something SO INSPIRING about the way colours and textures can mix and match. I know that is what drew me into designing needlework and what keeps me imagining some images in threads and fabric rather than pen and pencil. I actually can’t wait to teach in Toronto next month if the reaction to the limited “sneak peeks” I’ve been showing off are any indication.
I found new stuff for my stash... and bless her heart, Mom bought them for me as a birthday present! How great is that!

Then it was off to an art supply store to pick up some watercolours that I need to work on a new piece. Some of my old ones are all dried up. The owner of the store and his wife both did Fine Arts at Mount Allison University, just like I did... but I discovered that they graduated a DOZEN years after I did. OUCH!
After a delicious lunch, I dropped Mom & John back home then raced to the school to pick Erin and Bethany up for their cross-country running session at the big park in our city with their school team. Another mother was driving them home, so once I was sure they’d met up with the coach, I headed home to check e-mail and play a tiny bit of Packrat. Those of you on Facebook know what a fun little game this can be... those of you who don’t, be wary of the cuteness and collections that lure you in and get you hooked!
The girls arrived home and Bethany was limping, covered in blood down one knee and elbow. My youngest had discovered the perils of running up hills, around corners and that gravel paths are not always forgiving. I got her cleaned up in a warm bath and bandaged up before my birthday dinner with my family.
Erin made me cry with her 43 things that she admires about her Mom and Bethany’s handmade coupons for a clean room, a day off and ice cream she’d buy me with her own money made me grin. I have such wonderful girls!! They even bought me my very own Webkinz (or should I say LittleKinz?) Gecko which I have named “Sneaky”.
After supper we let the bunny out for a play. Oreo is adorable, extremely intelligent and downright entertaining. I tried to shoot some video of her as well as this shot, but it may be a few days before I figure out how to put it on YouTube!

Tomorrow, I have my first day of supply teaching. I got my Local Permit and am on the list in this area with now 4 days of bookings already. It will be great experience, a chance to work with kids (which helps for staying in touch with their interests as a children’s book illustrator) and also goes a long way to replacing the income my family used to count on from cross stitch.
Now it is time to go to bed. I am looking forward to this year of being 43 and all the new adventures that are unfolding.
YAHOOOOOOO! Theo won Canadian Idol!!