Happy Birthday Owen!
Two years ago, I pulled the kids out of school for a week and took the train up to see Mom and John in Sherbrooke, Quebec. Erin was in a 4/5 split class and the Grade 5 students were writing a provincial Math assessment, so I thought she would learn more French during a week in Quebec than in someone else’s class with the 5 other Grade 4 students from that class. While we were there, Owen Aikman was born half a world away in Switzerland.
I have only held my nephew on one occasion, which is a sad reality when family is so far flung. This summer, however, I will get to play with him, build sandcastles on the beach with him and soak up lots of Aunty Dragon moments as my brother Dave, his wife Anne, my niece Juliette and little Owen come to visit for 2 weeks and we all head to PEI for a week.
I cannot wait! Owen may not remember much about this summer as he grows older, but I know that Juliette will indeed. At 6, she can make memories that will last and enjoy cousinhood so much more than when we saw her almost 2 years ago. Thank goodness for sales on Memory cards because I intend to take a HUGE amount of pictures to get me though those times when I can’t hug them in person.
I can’t believe you are two already Owen! Your mommy tells me that you are about the height of an average 4 year old. I just love our family genetics at work!!! I am counting the days until I can hug your whole family in person!!!