Friday, February 13, 2009


Here is a fun, Girl Power, calorie-free, guilt-free little design to stitch up for yourself or for someone you love to remind them that they don’t HAVE to have someone in their life to be complete.

I have been happily married to Nick for almost 20 years now, but I also have a lot of friends who have been through messy divorces, lost husbands to illness or sudden deaths lately. I am also raising two girls in a world where the pressure to “pair off” and have someone special in your life has never been stronger. I keep telling them not to settle for SECOND BEST and to just spend time figuring out who they are for the next few years at least.

This year’s Valentine Treat can be found on my website Newsletter page.

Since my Mother-In-Law has taken the girls for the night... that’s all the time I am going to spend blogging. I have a date with my Best Friend (who just happens to be my husband)!

Happy Valentine’s Day!!!


Maeve said...

Thank you for the Valentine Treat! I have saved it, and I know exactly who I want to stitch it for some day. A wonderful lady who is struggling with the sadness of being single. Again, thank you. :)

Dani - tkdchick said...

Thanks for the zero point treat!

Unknown said...

Thank you for the absolutely adorable zero calorie treat! :)

Lori said...

Thanks for the treat, Jennifer. I tell my kids the same thing. It's tough being a teen.

Lori said...

I almost forgot to tell you. My son gave you two thumbs up on your assembly speech at MHS. He recognized you as a stitchy friend that I speak ofa little ways into your intro. He had preconceived notions the day before (not knowing who would be speaking) that assembly would be boring, but you sure showed him!! LOL ;o)

Lori said...

Typos... sorry, re-reading that... I realize it is slightly unclear. I think I need to eat lunch ;o)