Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Celebrating Twenty Years...

Twenty years ago to the day, I married my best friend. I had known him since I was 17 and dated him for almost 5 years before we married. When I walked down the aisle and saw the expression on his face, I knew that our adventures together were just beginning. After all this time, he has forgiven me for forgetting his wedding ring in the back of the limo and still jokes that we was married to our minister for about 20 minutes (our minister slipped off his own ring for me to use and it only went down to Nick´s knuckle) instead of me.
We have had our ups and downs like other couples. We have supported each other through career setbacks and changes, challenges and triumphs. Together, we have raised two amazing daughters. As much as we love them, we are also painfully aware of how little time we have left with them under our own roof. Already they are growing into young women who will head off on adventures of their own in such a short time. Funny how I thought those sleepless nights would never end when they were little children. Being here in France with my niece and nephew (who are 8 and 4) is like taking a step back in time to 6 years ago when my girls were that age. It is wonderfully exhausting. I watch my husband toss them around the pool and smile. Although there may be a few more grey hairs on his head, he has lost none of the youthful enthusiasm that makes me call him Tigger in the first place.
So many of our friends have divorced already that we are now considered to be an old married couple by today´s standards. I think of my grandparents who still teased each other after more than 45 years together and hope that we will have as long to treasure each other´s company. However many years we have left together, I will try never to take them for granted. This day, this moment in the blazing sun of Provence, with the cicaidas buzzing and a gentle breeze blowing, I know that I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful partner to share this adventure called life with.


Silverlotus said...

Congratulations and happy anniversary!

Pam B said...

I also agree that it seems strange to be considered different for being married 20 years. I can't say I know of very many people that make it this long. Enjoy your day with family. My anniversary dinner will probably be at Coney Island for chilly dogs like most other years with hubby and my two boys.

Erica said...

Congratulations Nick and Jen! Wishing you many more happy years together.

DH and I celebrated 15 years together this year and I completely concur with your assessment of marriage. We've both got great guys, don't we?

Enjoy your holiday and your anniversary!

Susan said...

Congratulations! I can only hope to find someone I can spend that amount of time with and be as happy as you are.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! 20 years...that means you are _just_ past the "newlywed" stage (at least according to my mom!!!) I hope you enjoy many more happy years! It is an amazing thing, being married to your best friend, which makes sharing all your adventures in life, so much more fun!

Stacey in NS

Erin (moviemuse) said...

Happy anniversary to both of you!

SuburbanCathy said...

Congratulations! It's amazing and wonderful. How blessed are we? I just celebrated 25 years in June. Will you be sharing photos of Provence? Sounds like an awesome trip!

Jo said...

Happy anniversary, 20 years is wonderful. My husband and i celebrate 6 years this year after finding each other in our 30s, now with 3 small children our lives are totally different and much richer than 10yrs ago.