Tuesday, June 05, 2007

What a Guy!

Nick walked into my Weight Watchers meeting this morning on the way back to his school from a meeting at the board office with a lovely bouquet of roses, a hug and this note. Not only did he make me tear up, but half of the ladies in my meeting now think that I am the luckiest leader out there to have such a husband (and they thought he was REALLY cute too!)

At first, everyone thought it was my anniversary. Then I explained that the note said he loved me through all life’s madness, including the chaos of the past few weeks, the pressures of a school year closing and the fact that someone I love (not Nick or the girls, but still family) has cancer.

We have always joked about my husband being a founding member of the “He Can Do No Wrong Club”. That random, special, touching gifts or acts like this add up so many points in his account that when he does mess up, he can’t get blamed because all those good points wipe it out. I think that today just made him a Lifetime member of that club in spades. To see him come through the door on such a busy day for him with those flowers meant more than I will ever be able to put into words... except to keep telling him and showing him right back that I love him too.

You are one in a million, Nick!

1 comment:

ollie1976 said...

How sweet!