I finished off another piece for my portfolio tonight. I came up with this idea after a huge panic attack last week at the cottage where I dreamed I showed up for my portfolio review late in L.A. because someone had given me the wrong room number. When I finally arrived after running through long, strange hallways, the person in the room told me that I shouldn’t dream of being a professional illustrator if I couldn’t even keep a simple appointment! As I woke up with my heart pounding, I knew that it was just a standard anxiety dream (like before exams in high school or university) but sleep escaped me so I got up to write in my journal for a while... then got the inspiration for this piece.
Since I needed to have at least one drawing in my portfolio that was greyscale, I used everything from a 4H to 8B pencil for as wide a range of tone as possible. I also had fun choosing textures for each fear. I particularly like the oozing drips for Copyright Abuse... since anyone who would steal that way is Slime!
Perfectionism and Envy of Other’s Talents are two of the fears that I wrestle with most often, so of course they had to be slightly dragon or snake like... and Self-Doubt’s fur was fun to draw!
I am sure that any creative soul can relate to this...
This could be me when I'm getting ready for tests. Copyright is not an issue for me but the rest is.
Jennifer...don't forget to send me an invoice...I have had trouble getting onto paypal today so if you want to send me a bill via e-mil... I'll pop a cheque in the mail..
K & N
Jennifer, I wish you all the best and will miss your designs. If I could have a dragon as pet I would.
Jen, all the best of luck to you in your new direction. I am a fan of Dragon Dreams designs and own several. Will look forward to any surprises you might offer in the future.
Take care,
Great illustration! You have such a unique way of putting things into a format with which people can identify. I agree that when such "nasties" are named and brought down to size they are easier to deal with. And, I love that your drawing makes it possible to laugh at them!:-)
Thanks for sharing it!
Good luck in LA Jen! I was sorry to read the news on your webpage. I'm sooo going to miss anticipating what new releases you've got coming up!
But Toronto is coming and I'll be poised over the comptuer and the phone when the class schedules are realeased!
I finally started working on Moonlight Guardian (do you remember I bought that the fist time we met in 2001?). She's coming along in leaps and bounds!
Great drawing! I must tell you that I am so incredibly saddened that you are not going to be publishing any longer (except for little things). YOu are my favorite designer :-( I wish you well with your new adventures :-)
I am truly sorry to hear that you'll not be designing your DD anymore, but I certainly wish you all the best in your new career. Hopefully, I'll come across you at Because You Count sometime or elsewhere on our journeys. I don't expect you to remember me by name, but I do live in NB.
Love and hugs,
Good luck in LA Jen!!
How exciting!
yup... I wish I had a fraction of the courage you do. ;o)
Looking forward to future designs. They will be even more of a treat now! Thanks for the great designs you have provided us.
Looking forward to your new adventures :O)
Hugs my friend!
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