Thursday, January 22, 2004

Panic Attacks and Husbands with Flu...

Tigger doesn’t look good green! Poor Nick came home from his meetings at lunch looking very washed out and feeling icky, so I made him some hot soup and tucked him into bed for a nap.... then Barb called (You know I’d mention you sooner or later!!!) to see how everything was. She’ll be one of my two helpers at the show in Nashville, trying to keep this bouncy dragon sane!! I was fine until she mentioned that 2 weeks from today, we’d be setting up in the hotel room and then I just felt half of my brain cells try to turn to mush!

Where has the time gone??? It seemed like only yesterday, I was getting back from the show in Toronto and the Nashville deadlines were months away!! Actually, when I take a deep breath and look around me, things are actually further ahead than this time last year... but the perfectionist in me keeps measuring things by some impossible scale of wanting to have my trunks already packed in the basement ready to go with all the right items and leaflets and models safely tucked inside!


The one thing I can say is that I really like all of the designs that I am taking.... that I can’t wait to see reactions to the RuneKeeper model and book (just like the fun of seeing people react to “Not Forgotten” this time last year) and that I will get to hang around with some of my favourite people in the industry. At least that is what I keep telling myself every time my brain tries to turn to mush and I think “Remind me... WHY am I doing this???”

Because even with all the panic attacks, to-do-lists and late nights that the next 14 days may hold, I still like what I do!

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